Tony Gurr

The 21st Century Teacher Trainer…

In Adult Educators, Teacher Training on 14/01/2012 at 12:34 pm

…or even TEACHer EDUcator!


Twitter Blog Post 02 (21C Culture ver 03)


It seems you can’t throw a rock into the blogosphere these days without hitting a post or article on the 21st Century “something-or-other”.


Teaching is no different, teacher training is no different…so, and because I obviously have my “teacher educator” hat on these days, here’s my two cents on “trainers” of the present and future.



To be honest, I have done my own fair share of promoting the concept of the “21st Century Teacher”…but, and in my defense, I have also maintained that being a 21st Century teacher involves more than just the skills and tools peddled by “edtech visionaries”.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at a couple of earlier posts:

See, told you so!


Teaching, good teaching, has always been about authenticity, values and educational literacy (fluency, too).

OK – it is true – technology will play a larger and larger role in the lives of learners and teachers (and trainers, too) – and teachers and teacher educators will increasingly have to have the very same 21st Century technological skills and digital literacies that their students are expected to have.

Fair cop, guv!


…But, 21st Century education and teacher learning will never be all about the tech n’ toys. Well, it shouldn’t be…

I am not alone…and I’ll step on the shoulders of a “giant” to prove it:

Na, nah, na, na, nah – no talk of EdTech from Mr. Multiple Intelligencies himself.


A more recent “study” from another (very) tech-savvy edu-commentator, Meris Stansbury:

Told you so – last on the list and more about “knowing the difference” than “using the new and different”.


Tony, you are still on “teachers”…look at the “title” of the post, darling!

OK, OKgetting there. In a minute!


This week, Educational Origami also did a nice post on the 21st Century Teacher – and, surprise-surprise, my man Andrew did the same:

Like most sensible thinkers in education, I doubt if many of you will disagree that both teachers and trainers need to have many of the same “human” characteristics:



And, both teaching and training rely on the same basic “facts of life”what we know, what we do with what we know and what we do to improve what we do with what we know (yes, I know it’s a mouthful)!


So, and taking inspiration from all these sensible chaps and chapettes mentioned here today…

here’s my list of “roles” for the 21st Century Teacher Trainer:



OK – OK! And, you want to know what they actually do on a day-to-day basis, too?

Is there no pleasing you, at all?



I’m going to go out on a limb here (why change the habit of a lifetime) – and say exactly what I said about the 21st Century Teacher…


The 21st Century Teacher Educator…will (still) need to think more about the headware, the heartware and the careware – not just the hardware, the software and the webware everyone is trying to flog us!

I openly admit that these things can help us get the job of “teacher training” done…but they cannot replace what is at the heart of the job – teachers and how we make a real and significant difference to their lives (and the lives of their “kids”)!


That is unless YOU have anything you’d like to add to this little diatribe!


  1. Reblogged this on Things I grab, motley collection and commented:
    I’m becoming slightly wary of hearing “21st century this or that” myself. This post is worth reading from that particular angle.

  2. […] nen doen, terwijl ik meteen dacht aan een online start. Dit deed me denken aan de overtuigingen rondom leerinterventies die sterk op face-to-face middagen en dagen gericht zijn. (plaatje via allthingslearning). […]

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