Tony Gurr

My #eddies12: …and the nominations are…

In News & Updates (from the CBO), Technology on 16/11/2012 at 12:34 pm


…I know I have been known to poke fun at the Edublog Awardsactually, for the 2011 Edublog Awards I did get a few nominations inafter the deadline and without using the suggested categories!

Yes…I still maintain that I am not a fan of “professional competitions”.

It especially makes me “sad” to see educators screaming “VOTE FOR ME!” over twitter…so sad!


Please…don’t do that! Don’t be THAT guy!

Not cool – not cool at all!


If people are blogging…and tweeping…for “awards” or “badges” – surely they didn’t get “the memo”…and miss the point totally.

Guys – it is supposed to get us off the planet…faster!

I blame the KLOUT culture (and the Kardashians)…



Ne se! Where were we?


Last year I got me ear bent (for not taking the Awards as seriously as, say, a heart attack) – and it has been happening again this week…over the past few days (a lot)!

I am starting to see the light…at the end of the blogosphere!


There is so much great stuff out there – and it needs to be shared…and thunk over!

The #eddies12 are a great way to pick up new blogs and folks to read – just going thru the (bloody long) process of reflecting on my fave blogs and sneaking a quick look at some of the nominations has helped me re-connect with a few people I shouldn’t have left alone these past months.

Sorry, guys!

But…here’s the thing…I’m even more sorry (sorrier – ???) that I cannot put everyone down on me list! This is really why I hate blogging competitions…

Sorry, gals! So sorry…


So here goes everythingmy 2012 Edublog Award nominations are:

Best individual blog

Best group blog

  • Inquire Withinfrom bloggers in 14 countries, across 6 continents

Best new blog

Best ed tech / resource sharing blog

Best teacher blog

Most influential blog post

Best individual tweeter

Best twitter hashtag

Best free web tool

Best educational wiki

Best educational use of a social network

Best mobile app

Lifetime achievement

Good luck to all!


Remember – we are all far better off when we SHARE and LEARN from…and with others – so share-your-love!


  1. And did you write this one on the train as well?


    I cracked up when I saw you had posted on FB because I am going to refer to your post of 2011 – no, nothing nasty, but you’ll see 🙂

    BTW – Vance emailed me this morning before going camping lol! yup….the “pressure” of FB 😉

    As for me – best use of social network? loooooool it’s not me!!!! It’s Scoop!!! lol!

    Anyway, thank you for mention. Am doing mine now and will send you link thru DM (whatever else?)

    • Ana,

      Tee-hee – yes, I did have a thunk about that one…but it did say “use” of a SM tool…and you use that tool so well (better than most) 😉 It is, after all – that we do with what we learn (and the tools we use to learn that stuff) 😉

      Be good – take care of Vance 😉


  2. Tony–
    Thank you sooooo much for the kind nomination. I’m continually inspired by the blogs of others, like yours, and was excited, honored, and humbled to see my name in your list of nominations today.
    Much appreciated,

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